Joan Sarver Buth| (949) 702-0352
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Finding Care and Funding Care
Managing how we age and understanding later life care can often be surprising for seniors, as well as for their families. Now more than ever, seniors are increasingly involved in their own health and wellness, and they have more choices in how they receive care— either within the home or within a care community that best fits their needs.

Where it gets complicated is in navigating those choices and it can be confusing for families. This is especially true when they learn the true costs of care and then try to figure out how to pay for it now, and over time.

It can be hard for everyone to deal with change and finding the right situation can be challenging, as well as stressful.
Funding the Care. For as Long as They Live.
Fortunately, there are solutions to optimize the resources you or your loved one may have. 

Assets may be optimized to ensure care is available for as long as your loved one lives. You can rest easy and avoid worrying about running out of funds and disruptions to care.
Get a Sense of Emotional and Financial Security
Most individuals have saved over decades to live their retirement dream, including a plan for long term care. Many also wish to leave behind an inheritance for their loved ones. There are some who invested in long-term care (LTC) insurance. 

However, when it comes to funding for their care, they found they have not saved enough. Even those with LTC discover that the plans do not fully cover their comprehensive, lifelong care.
Knowing how and when to tap into your retirement savings is just as important as building it. 
Joan Sarver Buth
I’m a Care Funding Specialist.

Seniors have spent their entire lives saving and sacrificing to provide for their families. They deserve the best care they can afford when they can no longer care for themselves.

Most individuals have saved over decades, but have not saved enough to cover their long term care. Many also wish to leave behind an inheritance for their loved ones. Even those who invested in long-term care (LTC) insurance encounter obstacles, as comprehensive, lifelong coverage is often financially out of reach.

You may have found a place for your loved one, and now the challenge is to pay for care as long as your loved one lives. I provide a service to help families faced with the funding decisions. I optimize the funding plan that you may have developed and see if there are areas for improvement.

Let’s set up a time to go over your loved one’s unique situation.
Many People Have Concerns About Running Out of Money


• Annual cost of care: $65,000
• Income from pension and SS: $20,000
• Annual Care Gap: $45,000

Funds to cover care gap:

• $350,000 in savings
• $295,000 from sale of home
Repositioning Assets to Pay for Care
Annual Care Shortfall
Savings after MyICP purchase
Most Competitive SPIA Plan Rate
MyICP Savings over SPIA rate
Financial Worries That Have Been Addressed
  •  MylCP will guarantee $45,000 per year in additional income until his death, completely covering expense gap.
  • ​By choosing the fully underwritten MylCP, more than $132,000 savings in premium over the best SPIA rate in the market.
  • 228,725 in savings retained that can be used for increased care costs, and/or leaving legacy to heirs.
Personal Satisfaction and Peace of Mind
  • Peace of mind knowing that $295,000 from sale of home can be left as legacy to heirs.
  • ​Loved ones can rest easy and No longer have to worry about compromising care because of limited funds, or, even worse, running out of funds altogether.
  • ​Care is paid for, no matter how long it may be needed.
  • ​Maximum out of pocket care expense is capped at $121,275 without depleting his assets.
Not Everyone Planned Ahead for Care Needs
 Are YOU a Power of Attorney for a loved one either looking for or currently receiving Care?
  • Are you unsure that you are using assets in the best possible way?
  • ​Are you afraid to use funds now, even though Care is needed, to protect your assets for future needs?
  • ​Do you have Long Term Care Insurance and still have a shortfall in income to cover expenses?
  • ​Do you understand any Long-Term Care Policies that are in place?
  • ​Are all Family members in agreement on how best to help your loved one get care?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions... then you are not alone!
It's what we do.
  • We can help you address the problem facing adults in Later Life --how best to pay for cost of Care.
  • ​We can help you cap your outlay for Care and related expenses.
  • We can help provide a sense of Financial and Emotional security.
  • ​We believe that no-one should ever have to face the fear of running out money when paying for a loved one’s Care.
  • ​We can help you address the problem facing adults in Later Life --how best to pay for cost of Care.
  • ​We can help you understand - Long Term Care Policies, Social Security questions, Medicare, Medicaid, Property Sales, Invested Assets, Immediate Care Plans, VA Benefits, Life Settlements and so much more.

“A dream without a plan is just a wish”  

~ Katherine Paterson

A Complete Retirement Plan Also Includes:

Long Term Care insurance. This insurance prevents your retirement funds from being used for your personal care.
Getting Social Security right– did you know that 96% of retirees are getting social security wrong? Just by working 6 more months they could have garnered 4% more of their Social Security benefit?
Understand Medicare and any supplemental insurance you would need. All plans are the same. The premiums are not .

Selecting the best health care plans for you, based upon your present health and financial situation.
Serving the great state of Arizona
100% Free Consultation
No Cost. No Obligation.
Schedule A Time Convenient For You On My Online Calendar.
Meetings Can Be Conducted Virtually Online, In-Person and By Phone.
100% Free Consultation
Schedule A Time Convenient For You On My Online Calendar.
Meetings Can Be Conducted Virtually Online, In-Person and By Phone.
 2024 Buth Financial
Joan Sarver Buth | (949) 702-0352